Fundamentals of Functional Striking by Stephen Whittier

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This is our most COMPLETE BLUEPRINT on striking from one of the HIGHEST RANKED Muay Thai experts in America Stephen Whittier.

  • From footwork and body placement, to building an OFFENSIVE and DEFENSIVE gameplan this series covers the theoretical WHY of STRIKING and takes you all the way to the REAL WORLD application or HOW of striking.
  • Known worldwide as one of the best martial arts instructors on the planet, Stephen Whittier is here to share with you over two decades of knowledge to rapidly INCREASE your learning curve no matter where you are in your martial arts journey!
  • Become more dangerous from EVERYWHERE!

Learn Everything You Need to Know With This Complete Guide To Functional Striking From One Of The Highest Ranking Muay Thai Experts in America Stephen Whittier!

What Will You Learn?

Stephen Whittier is going to take you through a complete MASTER CLASS on EVERYTHING you will need to get started on the path to being a better striker. Even if you’ve had striking training before, it’s unlikely that you experienced a system as comprehensive as Fundamentals of Functional Striking.

So What Is On This Series?

This series is filled with everything you need to know about stance, footwork, hand placement and movement. The complete menu includes ALL fundamental punches and kicks distilled from the essence of centuries of the art of Muay Thai, known as one of the most effective and powerful martial arts on the planet.

So What Exactly Do You Get?

Here’s just a quick outline of what you’re going to get in the Fundamentals of Functional Striking series.

In Part One Stephen Whittier lays the groundwork and core concepts for the series as a whole. From there it’s on to footwork and drills to reinforce the concepts. You’ll spend the rest of Part One learning how to set up and execute punches with more authority and power.

Part Two is dedicated to many powerful Thai kicks and teeps (pushes) that will annoy and frustrate your opposition.

Now that we’ve got some basics covered, in Part Three it’s time to start looking at our DEFENSE. The understanding of the Five Zones and the patterns will make you a more creative striker and more likely to dominate the opposition.

Part Four is all about combinations and turning our DEFENSE INTO OFFENSIVE OPPORTUNITIES. Learn how to capitalize on the opponent’s attacks and aggression and turn the tide back in your favor!

What Techniques Are On This Series? 

Part 1:

Core Concepts

Stance & Structure

Footwork Fundamentals 

4 Directions 

Circle, L-Step 

Step out & drop step 


Mirror drill

Offensive Tools (Technique & Power Optimization)

Intro to punches 


Straight punch placement


Lead High Hook


Body Hook


Elbows-Lead & Rear

Clearing hands for elbows

Knees Lead & Rear

Part 2:

Thai Kicks: Rear Leg High 

Drill #1 (lead arm motion)

Drill #2 (rear arm motion) 

Lead Leg High 

Leg Kicks 

Rear Leg outside 

Lead leg inside 

Additional considerations 

Drill: Hand on head kicking 


Rear & Lead 

Teeps On Pads

Part 3:

Intro to defensive tools & the 5 zones

Zone 1&2: defense vs punches



Thai block 

Lean back 

Zone 3 & 4 Defense vs. Punches 

Zone 3 & 4 Defense vs. Kicks 

Zone 5 Straight Line Defense 

Combinations (Initiating Offense): moving forward 

Moving backward 

Add High/Low & Tilt with kicks

Backwards high low tilt 

Add high low tilt with punches 

Breaking the pattern: overview 

Creating angles off punches 

Creating angles off kicks

Part 4:

Cover/catch punches & return 

Versus straight punches

Versus hooks 

Versus uppercuts 

Block high kicks & return

Parry teep & return 

Evade & return 

Offense - Defense - Offense Concepts

Intercept & Follow Up 

Shadow Boxing 

Adding Level Changes - Offense: high/low to shot

Defense: frame, swim, sprawl

So What Does It All Cost?

Imagine what it would cost to take a private lesson with one of the four highest ranked Kru’s on the planet. The techniques on this series have been taken from decades of top level training and are designed to be a STRIKING resource for many years to come .
We could have easily charged $147 for the Fundamentals of Functional Striking, but for only $77 you can get the COMPLETE BLUE PRINT to BETTER STRIKING!
