Fighting Back by Sepi Melamed

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Combine the most effective self defense martial arts with Sepi Melamed, a 3rd degree Krav Maga black belt and BJJ purple belt!

  • Defend yourself with pure technique, don’t rely on strength or speed.
  • Build confidence in your ability to safely defend yourself in the most common self defense scenarios.
  • Defend grabs and chokes from ALL angles. Counter hair pulls and bear hugs with brutal force!

Combine the most effective self defense martial arts with Sepi Melamed, a 3rd degree Krav Maga black belt and BJJ purple belt!

Defend yourself with pure technique, don’t rely on strength or speed.

What Will You Learn?

In an ideal world self defense would be unnecessary. However we do not live in that ideal world, and it’s time to Fight Back! Sepi Melamed is a Masters World Champion in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and has a 3rd degree black belt in Krav Maga. Her hybrid experience has led her to develop Fighting Back and instructional design for women to have a fighting chance when attacked.

The reality is this, most attackers who try to attack women are untrained and they rely on brute strength. In most circumstances it will be hard to match your attacker with strength, so instead of strength Sepi focuses on pure effective TECHNIQUE! Sepi shows you how to create space even in the tightest situations using easy to follow steps that utilize leverage instead of strength.

Sepi provides an easy to follow formula to the most common attack scenarios. You don’t have to be a martial arts master to apply Sepi’s tactics. Fighting Back gives you a step by step system that you can use to give yourself an overall better sense of where to be and what to do. From the very beginning of Fighting Back you will encounter dire circumstances, like the front choke, and learn to adapt to the situation and overcome your attacker.

Sepi builds upon each technique in a way that will help you remember what you need to know when you need it most. Instead of teaching one-off techniques, Sepi emphasizes conceptual learning that helps you lay a foundation to build upon. This foundation will help you learn quicker and more efficiently throughout the instructional. So don’t sweat it if this is your first foray into the martial arts world, Sepi Melamed has you covered.

So, What Exactly Do You Get?

Part 1:

  • Intro
  • Defending Front Choke 
  • Defending Choke from the Front with a push 
  • Defending Choke from the Behind 
  • Defending choke from behind with push 
  • Defending choke against the wall 
  • Defending from behind against the wall 
  • Bear Hug from behind arms free 
  • Bear Hug from behind arms trapped 
  • Bear Hug from the front arms trapped with space
  • Bear Hug from front arms trapped with no space 
  • Bear Hug from Front with Lift 
  • Bear Hug from Behind with Lift

Part 2:

  • Defending Headlock From side
  • Rear Naked Choke Defense 
  • Rear Naked Choke Defense with Knife
  • Hair Grab Defense from Front 
  • Hair Grab Defense from front with impending knee 
  • Hair grab from behind 
  • Hair grab from the side with impending knee 
  • Mount Escape 
  • Choke from Mount 
  • Mount escape with head control
  • Defending Knife attack from mount 
  • Outro 


So, What Does It All Cost?
